Paragon Planet

by Nature's Way



THIS APP is the gateway to embrace various numbers of Contesters and to selects the bests of the bests Stars for the road to PARAGON PLANETTHE PARAGON PLANETPARAGON PLANET is a show of another world inside the entertainment world; that is a camp isolated from the public activities for the talented people to play the game of ALL STARS GBAZILO. That is ALL STARS COMPLETE FOR REASONING. The Planet has twelve categories of Citizens, from the single talent holders as the level one Citizens to the twelve talents holders as the highest level of the Citizens in the Planet. The three highest level of the Citizens shall automatically stand as the Kings or Queens of the three Kingdoms of the three Tribes of the Planet. The Planet has an entertainment Religions, Cultures, Government, numbers of social activities and various solid Mineral resources in different areas of the Planet with a specific currency of the PlanetTHE GAME ALL STARS GBAZILO is a game of life Concert designed with the Concept to have the aptitude with the capacity to recognize and embrace every style and the errors of the Citizens and convert the errors to talents, in order to modify the styles and galvanize the Citizens for advance Showbiz.